Have you heard of Sou Fujimoto? I remember his name from a visit to the temporary Serpentine pavilion in London when I visited the gallery there in Hyde Park. Like a spider’s web this beautiful building makes you gasp at the imagination and technical skill displayed. The main image shows this stunning creation.
Recently I came across his work again in an article about his use of natural organic structures as the basis of his architectural work. Staggeringly beautiful forms and shapes that need to be shared with our Viva readers.
This Japanese architect creates cloud like buildings that seem to float in space…dense in part and opaque in other areas. He’s created buildings shaped like pine cones and a tree house in Paris that is a 17 storey apartment building with balconies jutting out 5-8 metres at different angles. His work is staggeringly beautiful. I can only give you thumbnail images to look at but they are still worth sharing.
Born in Hokkaido in 1971 he graduated in architecture from Tokyo University and established his own practice in 2000. His work is both for private houses and public buildings in Europe and Japan. In 2019 he was one of 23 architects chosen to “reinvent” Paris….. we can look forward to seeing more of his work in future. Check out the youtube clip below. He’s the man you’d like to invite to dinner!